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Designing Inclusive,
Accessible Events
What You Need to Know
IVC Webinars
Bucking the Trends with ServiceNow
60-Minute Webinar
Hosted by InVision Communications, Jenae Garret and Kurt Smith of ServiceNow
In Digital, Experience is Everything
45-Minute Webinar
Hosted by InVision Communications, Joanne Clarke of Microsoft and Melissa Pavarino of Microsoft
Virtual Events Done Right: Content is Queen
45-Minute Webinar
Hosted by InVision Communications, Angie Smith of Atlassian and Carol Rossi, NetApp
When the Show Must Go On: Pivoting Face-to-Face Events to Digital Experiences
60-Minute Webinar
Hosted by InVision Communications and Jeanne Robb, DocuSign
Engagement Reimagined
60-Minute Webinar
Hosted by InVision Communications; Ellen Schwartz, LA Convention Center; Matt Long, Delta Air Lines; Benjamin Long, Live Nation Entertainment; Christopher Bond, SAHARA Las Vegas
Reaching your audience has never been more challenging. Subscribe to our podcast series the Xcast for discussions on the future of audience engagement and experience.
Let’s Get Started
InVision’s Digital Event Playbook
InVision’s Digital Event Playbook is a collection of tools, resources and services designed to help you navigate decisions, share ideas and consult best practices to develop engaging alternatives to face-to-face experiences. For an overview, click below.
Download Our Content-First Approach Worksheet
As a first step to optimizing your content for a successful digital event, please download our worksheet to help you start to think through your goals and processes for driving a content-first experience.