The Power Behind Account-Based Experiences

Attendees at a keynote smiling



The Power Behind Account-Based Experiences

Brand experiences are a powerful tool for driving brand engagement and accelerating the sales cycle. In the current climate, the need to justify event budgets has become more crucial than ever. By strategically linking events to the sales funnel, brands can create meaningful experiences that drive business opportunities and lead to conversions. With clear objectives, the right technology, and a focus on engagement, events can be a valuable component of a comprehensive omnichannel marketing and sales strategy.

On a recent episode of the InVision podcast, Xcast, EJ Oelling, VP of ABX at 6Sense, discussed with InVision’s VP of Marketing, Laliv Hadar, how Account-Based Experiences (ABX) can transform event marketing into pipeline generation, maximizing the impact of events and achieving business goals. Here are the key takeaways from their conversation.

Understanding the sales funnel and how experiential fits in

To effectively link events to the sales funnel, it's crucial to understand the funnel itself. Each stage represents a different level of customer engagement and requires tailored strategies to move prospects closer to conversion.

Experiences can play a pivotal role at each stage of the funnel. During the awareness stage, events serve as an excellent way to introduce your brand to a broader audience. Engaging and memorable experiences capture the attention of potential customers and create a positive first impression. Once awareness is established, events can spark interest by offering valuable content, such as expert talks, demonstrations, and interactive sessions. This deepens prospect engagement and begins to nurture leads.

In the consideration stage, prospects evaluate your brand and its offerings. Events that provide detailed product information, case studies, and testimonials help build trust and demonstrate your value proposition. As prospects show intent to purchase, events become a platform for personalized engagement. Exclusive offers, one-on-one consultations, and smaller high-touch gatherings help solidify their decision. During the evaluation stage, prospects make their final comparisons before committing. Events offering unique selling points and direct access to product experts can tip the scales in your favor.

Finally, events facilitate the purchasing process by providing a seamless and compelling call to action. Post-event follow-ups and special promotions drive conversions and close the deal.

Aligning event goals with business objectives

EJ emphasizes the importance of aligning event goals with business objectives. This alignment ensures that events are not just standalone activities, rather they are integrated into the broader marketing strategy. She offers a framework to use:

Set clear objectives: Define what you want to achieve with each event. Whether it's lead generation, brand awareness, or customer retention, having clear objectives will guide your planning and execution.

Measure ROI: Use data and analytics to track the success of your events. Metrics such as attendee engagement, lead conversion rates, and sales growth can help to demonstrate the ROI of your events.

Leverage technology: Utilize event management software and CRM systems to streamline operations and gather valuable data. Technology can help you to create personalized experiences and track customer journeys.

Create engaging content: Content is king when it comes to events. Ensure that your sessions, workshops, and presentations are informative, engaging, and aligned with your audience's needs.

Foster relationships: Events are an opportunity to build and strengthen relationships with your audience. Engage with attendees before, during, and after the event to create a lasting impact.

ABX: Start small

For brands looking to implement ABX, starting small is key. Focus on creating highly targeted, intimate events that bring together the right people. Use data to identify potential attendees who are most likely to benefit from and engage with your brand. Collaborate closely with sales and customer success teams to ensure alignment on goals and strategies. Over time, as you refine your approach and see the returns, you can scale up your efforts and incorporate larger, more complex experiences into your marketing mix.

For practical success

Know your audience: Tailor your event to the preferences and interests of your target audience. Understanding who they are, their needs and pain points will help you to create relevant and compelling experiences.

Plan ahead: Detailed planning is key to a successful event. Create a timeline, allocate resources, and prepare for contingencies to ensure smooth execution.

Engage your attendees: Use interactive elements such as polls, Q&A sessions, and live demos to keep your audience engaged.

Follow up: Post-event follow-up is crucial for converting leads into customers. Send personalized emails, share event highlights, and offer special promotions to maintain momentum.

Want to hear the full discussion? Listen to the Xcast episode here.


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