Employee Perspective: Exploring Live Coding

*Play with sound on! Live coding in action with Tyler Van Kirk.


Tyler Van Kirk, Associate Creative Technologist


Employee Perspective: Exploring Live Coding

Curious about how technology can create immersive live performances that delight audiences? Live coding, or "algorave," is an innovative art form that blends programming with real-time music and visual creation. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a creative professional, or looking to engage your audience in new ways, live coding offers a unique experience that pushes the boundaries of digital art and performance.

Before joining InVision as a creative technologist, I was captivated by the fusion of code and creativity. My work transformed data into visual art—converting images into 3D point clouds and turning soundwaves into physical objects. Whether converting images to 3D point clouds or reinterpreting soundwaves as candlestick holders, I often translated data, such as sound, into visual mediums. At InVision, I expanded my expertise by developing interactive real-time digital experiences for events and campaigns. This journey led me to live coding.

So, how does live coding work?

In a live coding performance, the performer generates music and/or visuals, writing and modifying code in real time. Today, it remains a vibrant art form, continually evolving as artists develop new techniques for generating live audio-visual experiences.

 Live coding bridges the gap between programming and music creation, offering various programs for performances, each with its unique approach. In some live coding environments, a line of code might represent a musical element like a drum beat. By modifying the code, I can change the tempo, add new instruments, apply effects, or introduce complex structures. This real-time interaction between coding and sound design creates a unique and engaging auditory experience, which seamlessly transitions into dynamic visual elements.

A real-time view of code being written and executed to generate dynamic sound

When most people think of audio-reactive visuals, they often envision the old graphics that accompany a song in something like Windows Media Player, or the rising and falling equalizer bars that reflect the sound levels. Live coding takes this concept further by allowing performers to generate and manipulate visuals through code in real-time.

 I might program a simple visual such as a circle whose size varies with the sound level—growing larger with louder sounds. Alternatively, I could create a series of circles, each responding to a specific frequency, resulting in a dynamic array of differently sized circles pulsating in sync with the music. Additionally, I could apply various visual effects, such as inverting colors or adding a mirrored effect, to produce kaleidoscopic-like visuals. This ability to manipulate visuals dynamically enhances performance significantly. Not only am I able to alter the music, which in turn changes the visuals, but I can also switch between different visual techniques, crafting a unique visual journey that complements the generated sounds.

 Along with live coding’s opportunities for creating unique musical and visual experiences, its ability to captivate diverse audiences allows it to thrive in both high-energy club environments and formal settings (like academic conferences and TED talks). Its ability to evoke an emotional response, while also stimulating intellectual curiosity through the creative process alludes to its technical complexity.

Algorave: algorithmic dance culture | Alex McLean | TEDxHull by TEDx Talks

My first live coding performance was at our InVision company talent show, part of the company’s annual employee retreat, VISIONS Live. I wanted to demonstrate some of the fascinating things we can do with technology and showcase interesting techniques developed for various projects -- all through the lens of a performance. The response was overwhelming. Co-workers and team members of various generations, backgrounds, and functional areas of the agency were incredibly receptive and intrigued. I received praise from technical colleagues on the programming feat, as well as creative team members who were awed by the visual spectacle. The performance resonated with everyone in between, and it even inspired team members to pitch similar experiences to our clients to enthrall their audiences.

Since my initial performance, I've live-streamed on YouTube and am planning future opportunities. Many other artists and programmers are exploring this field, contributing to the growing communities of live coding and algoraves in Brooklyn and around the world. These communities continue to push the boundaries of live coding, demonstrating that code can be a powerful medium for creativity and expression.

If you’re looking to captivate audiences at your next event with a dynamic and interactive approach, live coding might be the answer. Combining the energy of a DJ or live band with the unique ability to manipulate the experience through programming, live coding creates engaging and tailored performances that transform traditional shows into immersive spectacles, captivating and entertaining your audience.

Interested in learning more? Contact your InVision account director or info@iv.com.


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