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Make Known.

Risk has its rewards.


RMS Exceedance serves as the premier conference for insurance industry thought leaders, product experts and colleagues to gather and explore innovations in risk forecasting and modeling technology. With the global pandemic underway, the goal of Exceedance was to provide much-needed confidence and resiliency for customers and to establish the notion that to succeed, one must Outperform.

Building upon the success from the prior year, RMS again partnered with InVision to design a successful Exceedance Virtual Event experience that met the high bar of sophistication, content delivery, audience engagement and production value expected of an industry leader. In partnership with RMS, our design, strategy and production teams designed a robust, functional, informative and exceedingly beautiful experience that set a new standard for high-impact digital experiences in the category.


  • Keynote Content

  • Speaker Training

  • Event Theming

  • Creative Direction

  • Event Branding and Style Guide

  • Console Design

  • Visual/UX Design

  • Motion Graphics

  • Thematic Opening Video

  • Brand Expression

  • Graphic Design

  • Up-leveled demos and breakouts

  • Digital Content Strategy

  • Digital Asset Management

  • Post-Production Services




In tandem with RMS’s brand, digital, and executive teams, InVision produced a comprehensive suite of program elements to support the event launch and smooth execution. We produced a fully developed virtual event platform hub including a networking lounge and resource center, designed to serve as an extension of RMS’s digital brand identity. We partnered with RMS executives in development of keynote content and created a studio set and graphics to support keynote content. Supplementary motion media assets such as navigation tutorials, thematic videos, theme graphics, lower thirds and transitions provided elevated production value to keynotes, breakouts and demos.


Post-event metrics indicate Exceedance 2021 as an unequivocal success. Registration for the event reached 162% of goal, a 91% increase YOY. Attendees participated from 43 countries around the world and averaged 209 minutes of engagement. In the first 10 days following close of Exceedance 21, over $4.8 million (and climbing) in new pipeline was attributed to the program.

“The power and quality of the creative, and the collaborative way InVision worked with our RMS team exceeded expectations at every level.”

Karen White, CEO, RMS


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